Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yea January!

January is shaping up to be a recovery month. Man, was December packed out! Right now we're in the middle of what we're calling "Love Is Here" and this week, right after Tailgate, we're starting Connect Groups and you will learn more about that at youth this week!

Also, remember that Mission Trip money is due for the month of January - $61. We're gearing up for the Valentine's Day Banquet on February 14th. We need to start getting people signed up today and get to work on the entertainment. You will be transformed from ordinary teens to legendary singers and actors whose talent is the stuff of legend!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Rest of December

Hey! Merry Christmas! Just so everyone knows, we will not have Tailgate or the worship gathering on Wednesday December 23rd. We'll continue with Wednesday night worship and Tailgate on Wednesday December 30th! Then, the next night at 7p.m. we're kicking off the New Year's Eve Lock-In which will last until 7 the next morning. Bring your friends and come hang out with us as we have an awesome time ringing in the new year together!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

How Far Would You Go?

We had a conversation two weeks ago about the idea that you don't have do everything for everyone but you are called to do something for someone. And we talked about Luke 5 where those four friends took their friend busted though the roof of some stranger's house just to get him to the feet of Jesus. I asked you "how far would you go to either be the answer to the needs of someone else, or be the problem of someone else". You're either part the problem or the solution just by having the opportunity of someone in need who is right in front of you. And, again, God isn't calling you to do everything for everyone, but you are called to do something for someone. Then, last week, Garrett and Stephen led you through a conversation about the supernatural and asked a very important question: do you really believe that the supernatural of Jesus affects your real, physical, natural life? Before Jesus was even born, Mary visited Elizabeth and just the presence of Jesus changed the way Elizabeth and Zecharaiah behave. It's totally abnormal!!

It's been really cool to hear some of the stories about some of you this week. One student went and invited and entire classroom of students to Tailgate, made flyers, and connected with people! I then got to pray with another student who told me that he felt like God was just pounding on his heart about another student at school who is dealing with addictions and problems. He felt like God wanted him just to start conversations with this person and there was this attitude of "Man, I've just got to do it! I can't help it!". He had the day, time, and plan for deciding to change the life of someone in need. It was so cool just to spend time talking and praying with that student and see God change his heart.

Now we have another opportunity to see a life changed by God working through us. One of our own students' mom had a stroke this past week while riding as a passenger in a car. God really was watching out for her, as a Sheriff deputy was right behind them on the road, saw them pull over in a ditch, and got her help immediately. Right now she is in ICU at an area hospital but they could use some help. We want to help this family any way that we can - particularly financially. If you want to give or donate something, just let me know. We want to step up in the name of Jesus to love our student and her family. And my heart is not that we get all this praise for helping someone, but that the someone we help praises God. That she goes to bed at night and knows that her situation is a little bit better not because church people gave money, but because Jesus loves her.

So, how far will you go to unashamedly let people experience Jesus in their life through you? Or is the question more of how far will you go to be just another problem? Live intense. Live unashamed. All for Jesus!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Last Wednesday we kicked off a new way for doing what was previously called "Snack Supper". Now were moving to what we're calling "Tailgate" and it starts at 6p.m every Wednesday night before worship.

What Tailgate is:

* our time where our students have a meal together in a format where they can mingle, get to know each other, deepen friendships

* a place where new people can come and we just provide a basic need: food! Whether the new comers have never been to church or just in need of a church home, Tailgate let's them mingle with Christian teens, have dinner with our family, and then stay for worship at the Hut. It's a great way to invite new people!

Why we're doing Tailgate:

*Snack Supper has been great and we thought that by taking that idea and blowing it up into a huge, all-out gathering, we could make a greater impact on our students and potential new students. In the Tailgate format there is not just 15 to 20 minutes for students to spend time together, but they have a whole hour to talk, eat, and get into each other's lives! Instead of sitting around circular tables, they get to be outside on the youth Hut deck where we grill, have a plethora of food available, games, and Christ-centered music as a the backdrop. Students get so much more interaction.

*New students sometimes feel threatened by new environments and aren't sure what church is like. Tailgate is the place where they get a basic need met (a meal), they get to talk with other Christian teens, and by our words, actions, and friendships they can see the love of Christ displayed. They get to experience what we're really like; this is the hour where they get to know us for real and not that we have cool games, a great worship band, and a funny speaker.

Where and When:

In front of the Youth Hut, every Wednesday night at 6p.m. Worship starts at 7p.m. and will end promptly at 8p.m.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween Week News

Hey! This week gets really, really crazy: Kayla Grace will be here on Monday! So this week I'll be out of pocket for a portion of the week, including Wednesday. This week Garrett and Stephen are bringing the Word and finishing the series we've called "Intense" with Image. What's your image and what defines you? It's really awesome and Garrett and Stephen are going to bring some amazing teaching!

Also, for those of you that don't know, the youth band is working on a Christmas album which will be out in a few weeks! This is a smaller fundraiser for the 2010 Mission Trip and is also an amazing way to do outreach. So start getting your family and friends interested in this CD. It's completely free but we're asking for minimum donations of $5 per CD. If everyone can get donations for at least 10 CDs we will be half of the way to our goal!! More info will be available in the coming weeks!!

Lastly, when I get back we're starting something brand new. I'm really, extremely, undoubtedly, uncontrollably excited about: its called "The Initiative" and it starts in two weeks. Call up your friends, Facebook it, Tweet it, whatever you need to do and get them here to experience "The Initiative"!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Hydrant

This week we're worshiping at The Hydrant! Be there around 6p.m. and grab your favorite drink...don't worry about food because we're having it catered. We're plugging in upstairs and worshiping out loud, declaring that Jesus is everything to us!

Someone asked me last Wednesday night why it was that we do worship at places like the Hydrant. They asked me why that was so important. Here's my answer: 1. it's fun!, 2. we can get tunnel vision and think that we can only worship God if we're at a church building. Whatever happened to unashamedly worshiping God wherever we are? Whatever happened to taking worship to the public and proclaiming Him out loud? Oh no, we're gonna get loud and we are definitely worshiping God unashamed. 3. It's FUN!!

What to bring:
1.your Bible
2.money for drinks (menus available at the Youth Hut)
3. friends
4. your loud, excited, heart-pounding-for God

Worship at The Hydrant lasts from 6p.m. to 8p.m. The Hydrant is located on Oak Street by Ethan Allen Interiors on the Square. See you there!

Friday, September 25, 2009

"Unashamed"...Ready for the good news?

Wow...Wednesday's message was hard, right? Just in case you missed it:

God is not mad at you. He's not some bully ready to pounce on you at every wrong turn and every single fall. God loves you...it's how it was from the beginning and its still that way TODAY. God is pursuing you, He loves you...and yet there are some of us who are content with acting like it's okay to be ashamed of God. You know what I mean...there's a hard teaching, a hard verse, an uncomfortable truth about God or Christ in the Bible, and we are either ashamed to accept and live it out in the real world, or we unashamedly ignore it all together and pretend it doesn't exist. Can you believe it?! Ashamed...of the truth! So...which one is it? And the question isn't even if you accept it or not...right now I just want you to own up to it: "do you want God's message, do you want to follow God, no matter what?"

That's the question that led us to talk about the bigger question: "Do you want God, do you want Christ, is He in you?" We talked about in Isaiah 65 where God is speaking about those he delivered and how He unashamedly calls to those who don't ask for Him, who mock and provoke Him to His face. He reveals Himself to us...yet we rebel...and then have the audacity to call ourselves "good" and think its perfectly fine to live like Jesus is our dirty little secret. See, apart from Christ we are not good...far, far from it. But there's more to the story...there's repentance, there's forgiveness, there's life.

This week is the good news... this week we're getting loud with it...