Sunday, September 6, 2009


So we're in the middle of what we're calling "Abnormal" and we're asking the question "what if all the stuff in the Bible that Jesus does and his disciples do is normal, and maybe the stuff we do is really not normal at all?" We've been in the book of Acts, 1 Corinthians, and even seen Jesus pull out a whip and start turnin' over tables at the temple in John. The premise is simple: Scripture is not full of Christ-followers sitting around talking all the time and studying the Bible. No, no, no...its full of people going out and making real, physical changes in the lives of those they come in contact with. What if that's what were supposed to be doing? And when is the last time we've been there and done that? Whoa!

So for the next two Wednesdays, we're going to be diggin' deep and getting real, and we're going to start making real differences in the lives of those we meet! Email me at and let me know your story...God is going to do crazy things as we start trading up our version of "normal" for God's!

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